맨체스터 유나이티드의 에릭 텐 하그 감독은 선수들에게 시즌 재개를 위해 ‘광기’를 동기부여로 삼아야 한다고 촉구했습니다. 일요일 토트넘과의 3-0 패배 이후, 맨유의 여러 고위 소식통은 BBC 스포츠와의 인터뷰에서 텐 하그 감독이 포르투와 아스톤 빌라와의 중요한 경기를 준비하면서…
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Badminton Kim Ga-eun, Women’s Singles Round of 16 Loss Quarterfinal Advance Failed
Kim Ga-eun (Samsung Life), a member of the Korean badminton team for the 2024 Paris Olympics, has finished her journey in the round of 16. On the 2nd (Korean time),
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Kim Ga-eun , who will face off for a spot in the semifinals on the 3rd, lost 1-2 to world number 8 Tunjung in a deuce. Korean badminton star Ahn
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South Korea National Archery Team Kim Je-deok/ Kim Je-deok (20? Yecheon County Office) is the last member of the Korean archery team to advance to the round of 16 of
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Jeong Na-eun (left) and Kim Won-ho are receiving a shuttlecock passed by Seo Seung-jae and Chae Yu-jeong during the semifinals of the mixed doubles badminton match held at the Porte
Read MoreAll events appear to be won Korean archery advances to round of 16 for the first time in 12 years
South Korea National Archery Team Kim Je-deok The Korean archery team, acknowledged as the world’s best, has won the men’s and women’s team events and is also cruising in the
Read MoreKim Je-deok, who waited one more day, advances to the round of 32 in men’s archery individual event
South Korea National Archery Team Kim Je-deok Kim Je-deok (20? Yecheon County Office), who competed in the individual event a day later than scheduled, advanced to the round of 32
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Men’s Fencing Sabre Team Olympic 3-time consecutive champion Gu Bon-gil, quarterfinals poor performance, request for replacement Do Kyung-dong “I’m confident in my brother” encourages courage Finals one point lead crisis,
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Kim, currently ranked 1st in the world in the unlimited weight class Riner, 3 golds and 2 bronzes in 4 Olympics, high possibility of facing in the finals If he
Read More‘Ppyak-ee’ flies Shin Yu-bin wins after deuce in Korea-Japan table tennis prodigy match
Korean table tennis team advances to singles semifinals for the first time in 20 years 3:0→3:3→4:3 80 minutes of sweaty competition “I shed tears of relief that the match is
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